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(303) 981-6366
Drug Crimes   November 16, 2016

What To Do When Your Child Gets Caught By The Law With Drugs

When your child is caught with drugs, you may experience a number of emotions all at once. You may be feeling shocked, angry, embarrassed or ashamed. You may even think that a mistake has been made and that there is no way your child would ever be involved with drugs.

Some parents think that since their child or teen is not an adult that no matter the outcome of the charges or how they’re dealt with, the record will be automatically expunged when he or she turns 18. This is not necessarily the case, and it is important that you take all situations involving criminal charges and your child very seriously.

Steps To Take When Your Child Gets Caught By The Law With Drugs

The following are steps that you need to take when your son or daughter gets caught with drugs by the law:

Get Expert Legal Advice Right Away

Tell the authorities on behalf of your child that you will be hiring a lawyer. Instruct your son or daughter not to say anything until the lawyer arrives. A juvenile defense attorney, like our very own Richard B. Huttner, will advise you and your child about his or her rights and look at the facts of the case and provide legal advice about the best way to proceed in the situation.

Be Honest With Your Defense Lawyer

Your juvenile defense attorney will not be able to represent your adolescent as effectively if you and your family are not completely honest about the events leading up to the charges. It is especially important to be forthcoming about whether there have been any circumstances which may affect the way the charges may be dealt with, such as previous run-ins with the law, (even if they were deferred) as well as the type and amount of drugs involved.

Be sure to share with your attorney whether any special circumstances would apply, such as if there is a possibility of a charge of selling or distributing drugs either on or within 1,000 feet of school property or a public housing development, as this may make a difference in the way the matter is handled.

Experienced Juvenile Defense Attorney

As an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney, Richard B. Huttner will aggressively defend your child or teen against all charges. And having proper representation from the outset will increase the likelihood that the charges will either be deferred or even dismissed. Richard B. Huttner’s goal with all of his clients is to maintain a clean record.

If you need the services of an experienced attorney to represent your child on drug charges, contact the law offices of Richard B. Huttner P.C. today.

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Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you are facing criminal charges in the Denver, Colorado area, don’t wait to seek legal representation. Contact the Law Office of Richard B. Huttner today to schedule a consultation.

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(303) 981-6366
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Denver, CO 80266
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