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Criminal Defense   February 6, 2023

Can I Waive My Miranda Rights In Colorado?

While Miranda warnings have been read to suspects in countless police interrogations, there’s still some confusion about what they actually mean and when they need to be given by law enforcement. Below, we answer some common questions about Miranda rights and give you information on how to obtain legal protection when being interrogated by the police.

Miranda Warnings Explained 

Miranda rights are a set of constitutional protections that ensure criminal defendants understand that they don’t have to speak before being interrogated by law enforcement. In most circumstances, an arrested criminal suspect must be read these rights before law enforcement can make any attempts to question the suspect. 

When To Consider Waiving Your Miranda Rights 

Police officers often make talking to them look like the most attractive option, even if it’s not true. They are allowed to lie to you and even say that the charges against you will be dismissed if you speak to them. They aren’t looking out for your best interests or even whether or not you actually committed the crime – they’re looking for how to pin it on you so they can solve the case and move onto the next. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re being questioned by the police and you’re not sure whether or not you should answer questions, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and invoke your Miranda rights against self-incrimination.

Situations That Don’t Require A Miranda Warning 

The police are not required to read you your Miranda rights in every situation. There are certain circumstances where the police may question you without giving you a Miranda warning, such as questioning that is done for routine identification purposes, if the questions are asked at a police checkpoint, or if the police believe questioning is needed for the protection of public safety. 

When To Bring A Lawyer On Board 

You should contact an attorney as soon as possible after being arrested or detained by the police. Once you inform the police that you want a lawyer, they cannot proceed with questioning and if they continue, this could be considered coercion and could damage the prosecution’s case against you. Whether you believe you are guilty or innocent, it’s best to allow a criminal defense attorney to handle the questioning. 

Contact Denver criminal defense attorney Richard B. Huttner today for a consultation at 303-997-1928.

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If you are facing criminal charges in the Denver, Colorado area, don’t wait to seek legal representation. Contact the Law Office of Richard B. Huttner today to schedule a consultation.

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