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Underage DUI

Underage DUI Lawyer Helping Clients with Underaged Drinking Charges

Law enforcement agencies in Colorado are taking extra efforts to catch inebriated drivers, especially those who are underage. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics, drivers under 21 constitute 7 percent of overall licensed drivers but were involved in 15 percent of all the fatal accidents that happened in the year. In Colorado, more than 26,000 people are arrested in DUI cases and more than 150 people become victims of alcohol-related accidents every year.


Zero Tolerance laws

The US follows strict Zero Tolerance Law in all states. In Denver, Colorado, the blood alcohol content (bac) limit for an underage driver is lower than for an adult. If you are underage and are caught driving with more than .02 percent blood or breath alcohol, you could face any of the following:

  • Revocation of driving license for a year
  • DUI probation for at least 2 years
  • Treatment for substance and alcohol abuse for at least 6 months
  • Fines and costs up to $3500.00
  • Jail up to one year

Why You Need a Denver Underage DUI Lawyer

If you are facing an underage DUI conviction, you may face major penalties for that Class A traffic infraction. If you are not of legal drinking age and are caught behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while drunk, you may face serious underage drunk driving penalties that can impact your driver’s license and criminal record.

Underage DUI charges are serious and can be difficult to fight if you do not have an experienced underage DUI lawyer on your side. A criminal defense attorney can guide underage drivers through the legal issues they are facing, starting with a free initial consultation, and they can help them fight against these criminal charges.

An underage DUI attorney can also help you avoid serious penalties. You may even be able to avoid hours of community service if your lawyer can prove you were not driving under the influence. With an experienced defense attorney on your side, you have a chance to fight back against Colorado DUI charges.

Underage DUI FAQ

If you are accused of underage drinking and driving, you may need help building a strong DUI defense. However, you may not have the knowledge to do so. An attorney can provide the answers you need for your defense. If law enforcement officers have reasonable evidence that you were driving over the legal limit, you may have difficulty overcoming your charges.

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about impaired driving charges, or you can contact us for personalized answers at a consultation:

What happens if I am convicted of underage DUI?

If you fail a breath or urine test and do not have an experienced lawyer to help you build a valid defense for a DUI charge, you may face criminal convictions. DUI cases and their consequences can lead to serious penalties, such as a jail sentence. However, for a first serious offense, you typically face administrative penalties, enrollment in a treatment program, and a license suspension.

For third and subsequent offenses, you may face much harsher penalties, including loss of driving privileges. Seek legal representation for your DUI case for help.

I was not driving. Can I still face penalties?

Even if you were not engaged in drunk or drugged driving, Colorado’s near zero tolerance law could lead to hefty fines and other criminal penalties. For example, if you fail a breath test and the police suspect you are not driving safely, you may face hefty fines. Talk to your defense lawyer about possible defenses for this situation, such as probable cause.

Can I lose my license if I am convicted of an underage DUI?

If you are under the age of 21 and convicted of an alcohol offense of driving under the influence or driving while ability impaired, you face a loss of license for one year. If you are convicted of a “baby DUI” b by having a blood/breath alcohol level less than > 02 or < 05, there are lesser penalties.

On being caught for DUI

On being caught under DUI in Denver, CO, you will be asked to take either a breath or blood test. If you refuse to oblige, the officer may confiscate your license and serve you with revocation paperwork. If you opt for a breath test and the result shows at least 0.02 percent, the officer will take your license and issue a revocation notice. You will be given an opportunity to object to the revocation at a hearing. Blood test results usually come after 3 weeks, after which you will be allowed to keep your license. However, if the result is positive, the Colorado Department of Revenue will mail you the result and the revocation notice.

A conviction for driving while ability impaired or driving under the influence means an automatic one-year revocation of the driver’s license for drivers under 21 years old. You have nothing to lose in fighting these cases. Colorado is extremely serious when it comes to DUI cases. An experienced attorney can protect you and fight for your license and your freedom. Contact the Law Office of Richard B. Huttner for a free consultation today.

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Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you are facing criminal charges in the Denver, Colorado area, don’t wait to seek legal representation. Contact the Law Office of Richard B. Huttner today to schedule a consultation.

Call For Your Consultation Today!
(303) 981-6366
720 S Colorado Blvd
Penthouse North
Denver, CO 80246
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